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What is ABA therapy?

Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) therapy is a type of therapy that uses principles of behaviourism to improve social, communication, and behavioural skills in individuals, particularly those with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The therapy involves breaking down complex behaviours into smaller, more manageable steps and using reinforcement to increase desired behaviours and decrease undesired behaviours. ABA therapy is goal-oriented, structured, and highly individualized to meet the specific needs of the individual. It can be conducted in a variety of settings, including the home, school, or clinic, and typically involves one-on-one sessions with a trained therapist. ABA therapy can help individuals with autism learn new skills, generalize these skills across different settings and situations, and address challenging behaviours.


Will it help my autistic child?:

Every child with autism is unique and will have their own set of needs and strengths. While ABA therapy has been shown to be effective in improving social, communication, and behavioural skills in many children with autism, it may not be the most appropriate intervention for every child.

Before determining whether ABA therapy is a good fit for your child, it's important to speak with a qualified professional who can assess your child's needs and make recommendations for the most appropriate type of therapy. This may involve working with a team of professionals, including a paediatrician, psychologist, or behavioural specialist, who can help you determine the best course of action for your child.

If ABA therapy is recommended, it's important to find a qualified therapist or provider who has experience working with children with autism. With the right intervention and support, many children with autism can make significant progress in their development and lead fulfilling lives.

taking notes

What does ABA therapy involve?:

ABA therapy involves a systematic approach to teaching and reinforcing positive behaviours and decreasing negative behaviours. The therapy is highly individualized to meet the specific needs of the individual receiving treatment. The therapy involves the following steps:

Assessment: A qualified therapist conducts a comprehensive assessment of the individual's strengths, weaknesses, and skill deficits. The therapist identifies areas where the individual needs support and determines what goals are appropriate for the individual.

Development of a Treatment Plan: Based on the assessment, the therapist develops a treatment plan that includes specific, measurable goals, and outlines the strategies and techniques to be used in the therapy.

Implementation of Therapy: ABA therapy typically involves one-on-one sessions between the individual and a trained therapist. During these sessions, the therapist uses a variety of techniques to teach and reinforce positive behaviours and skills. The techniques can include modelling, prompting, and shaping, as well as reinforcement through praise, tangible rewards, or other forms of positive reinforcement.

Data Collection and Analysis: Throughout the therapy, the therapist collects data on the individual's progress and adjusts the treatment plan as needed. The data allows the therapist to evaluate the effectiveness of the therapy and make changes to the treatment plan as necessary.

Generalization and Maintenance: ABA therapy also focuses on helping the individual generalize skills across different settings and situations, and maintain the skills they have learned over time.

where do i go from here

Where do I go for ABA therapy?:

ABA therapy is provided by a range of organizations, including private clinics, non-profit organizations, and public healthcare providers. Some of the organizations that provide ABA therapy in the UK include:

National Autistic Society (NAS)
The Centre for Behaviour Analysis, Queen's University Belfast
The ABA Academy
The Lighthouse Centre for Therapy
Positive Behaviour Support Services 
TreeHouse School, part of the charity Ambitious about Autism
BeyondAutism Schools


How do I know it will work?:

There is a substantial body of research that supports the effectiveness of ABA therapy in improving social, communication, and behavioural skills in individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). However, the effectiveness of ABA therapy can vary depending on factors such as the age of the individual, the severity of their symptoms, and the individual's response to the therapy.

To determine whether ABA therapy is likely to be effective for your child, it's important to work with a qualified professional who can conduct a comprehensive assessment of your child's strengths, weaknesses, and skill deficits. The professional can help determine what goals are appropriate for your child, and what strategies and techniques are most likely to be effective for your child.


Is there anything I need to know before starting ABA therapy?:

Before starting ABA therapy, it's important to keep the following things in mind:

ABA therapy is a time-intensive therapy that requires a commitment from both the individual and their caregivers. The therapy typically involves frequent, structured sessions that can last several hours per day.

It is a highly individualized therapy that is tailored to the specific needs of each individual. Therefore, it's important to find a qualified therapist or provider who has experience working with children with autism and who can develop a treatment plan that is appropriate for your child.

ABA therapy can be expensive, and insurance coverage for the therapy can vary depending on the provider and the insurance plan. Check with your insurance provider to determine what is covered under your plan.

It is just one of many interventions that can be effective for individuals with autism. It's best to work with a qualified professional who can help you determine the most appropriate interventions for your child based on their unique needs.

ABA therapy involves a lot of repetition and can be challenging for some individuals. Again its best to work with a therapist who can help make the therapy as engaging and positive as possible.

It can be a long-term commitment. It's important to set realistic goals for your child and to be patient as they work towards achieving those goals.

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